Interested in a bit of John and George guitar trivia? Well then, read on about how exactly John made guitar history regarding his Gibson J-160E. Early pictures of the Beatles inside their infamous Cavern Club days portray a rather and rough band of Teddy Boys, sporting leather motor bike jackets, tight jeans, and fifties style pompadour hairdos - not the iconic, clean cut mop-tops created by their manager, the late Brian Epstein. When Epstein, then a young music store retailer first heard the Beatles in 1962, their sound was as rough and unpolished as his or her instruments. With great vision, so when a condition to handle the group, the young Epstein made the brilliant decision to achieve the group replace their leather jackets and jeans with all the now iconoclastic Beatle suits and neo-Arthurian hairstyle. Along with the wardrobe makeover, came a musical makeover, which meant not only a modified sound, but in addition new instruments.

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