Free Delicious Smoothies Ebook

  The collection of recipes in the Free Smoothie Recipes Ebook are perfect for everyone.Whether you're looking for a tasty ,quick and nutritious breakfast or a post workout shake,you will find the recipe you are looking for.As with any smoothie,you can add things for a variety of reasons.You can add any powdered product and it won't  affect the taste.You can add, protein powder, wheat germ, oatmeal, 100% bran cereal, soy powder, rice powder, flaxseed oil, bee pollen, etc.

All of these products are available in health food stores.
You can throw just about anything into a smoothie to enhance the flavour,such as ,honey, tofu, jams, any combination of fruits, peanut butter, juices etc, but keep in mind that whatever you add will affect the nutritional value of the smoothie.
Once you start making these delicious, nutritious smoothies, you'll find it hard to stop!...

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