Homemade Aquatic Turtle Food Recipe:

the Recipe

What you will need

Reptile Gelatin, available at most pet stores.

Fruits of your choice, can use apples, grapes, raspberries and strawberries, many melons are liked and bananas as well.

Vegetables of your choice, can use any dark leafy green such as spinach, bok choy, leaf lettuce, endive and kale, zucchini, broccoli carrots, tomatoes, sometimes squash or pumpkin.

Meat (or substitute) if using, worms, snails, tuna water,Using a blender or knife, pulse or chop your chosen fruits and vegetables into very small pieces. I tend to use a lot of greens over fruit. Apples, grapes, cherry tomatoes and strawberries are enjoyed whole by my turtles, so I don't put those in this mix. You can also put water plants like duckweed and grasses in.

Prepare the gelatin mix as instructed on the package. If you need a stronger gelatin, use less liquid. Reptile gelatin has vitamins and nutrients in it, I do not add more.

Mix the chopped vegetables, fruits and choice of 'meat' or tuna water with the gelatin.

Place mixture into ice cube trays, I use the mini sized ones and not the large ones you commonly see. When I first started, I used fish shaped ice cube trays, to add that extra little enticement.

Freeze over night in the freezer.Thaw and serve.

When I am introducing new foods, I will entice them with some tuna water, but otherwise, my 'food cubes' are mainly dark leafy greens with broccoli, zucchini, carrot added. I keep live food in their tank, so for me I do not have to include protein or meat.
Pet Treat And Food Recipes, Pet Urine Removal: