Hamster Cake:


Excellent for drawf hamsters, no baking required.


6 Alfalfa pellets
1-2 t Warm water
Fresh fruit or veggies (your hammy's preference)
Sunflower seeds, shelled
Dried fruit


Pour the water into the bowl, and add the alfalfa pellets. Let it sit until the alfalfa pellets become mushy. Use a spoon to mush it until it is a paste. Cut the dried fruit into bits and add it into the paste. Drain the excess alfalfa flavoured water into another bowl, and mix the paste until the dried fruit is well combined. Crush the sunflower seeds and combine it as well. Smooth out the cake, then cut the fruit or veggies into shreds, and then into tinier shreds, bite-size for your hamster. put them on top, and pour the excess alfalfa flavoured water on top. crush some more sunflower seeds and sprinkled it on the top. Serve!

Pet Treat And Food Recipes, Pet Urine Removal: