Food Treat For Your Pet Turtle And Reptile:

Makes 2 servings

Ingredients for turtle and reptile treat
1/2 cup (80 g) grated carrot
1/2 cup (25 g) chopped lettuce or spinach
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 calcium tablet, crushed
1 teaspoon alfalfa sprouts (available at pet or health-food shops)
1/4 cup (35 g) chopped melon or strawberries

Preparation method for turtle and reptile treat

To give your pet turtle a calcium boost, try this fortified daily vegetable medley. And with a few additions, this treat will also benefit lizards and other cold-blooded vegetarian pets. Reptiles have very specific dietary needs and must be housed at the proper temperature to induce an appetite.

1. For a turtle snack, place the vegetables into a bowl, sprinkle with calcium and toss. For lizards and other reptiles, add the alfalfa and fruit.

2. Serve half in a chew-proof bowl. Store the remainder in a covered container in the refrigerator for 1 day.


Things You'll Need




Mix one beef heart in a blender along with reptile gelatin, which is vitamin D and calcium. Dissolve the gelatin in water according to the package directions. The typical mix is two parts water for each part gelatin. Gelatin is a thickening agent, so add the ingredient according to your desired thickness.

2 Freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray overnight.

3 Thaw the mixture before you serve it to your turtle.

4 Combine in a food processor equal portions of romaine lettuce, squash, zucchini, yam, redleaf lettuce, mustard green, collard, carrots, kale, water hyacinth, pesticide-free Bermuda grass, duckweed, water lily and anachris. The idea is to utilize as many of these ingredients as possible for a full nutritional complement, though not all the ingredients are necessary.

5 Add a powdered vitamin to the mix. A half teaspoon per day is enough for a regular-size house turtle, so add as much as is needed for your batch size.

6 Freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray overnight.

7 Thaw the mixture before you serve it to your turtle.

Tips & Warnings:

Supplement the protein portion of your turtle's diet by adding dead or live tadpoles, crickets, guppies, mealworms and aquatic snails.

Meat or another type of protein should total around 70 percent of the turtle's diet, with vegetables and fruits making up the balance.

You can also feed your turtle chopped apples, strawberries, grapes, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, peas, leafy greens and green beans.

A warm environment will build a healthy appetite.

Offer your turtle a wide variety of food.You can dust any food with calcium powder.
Pet Treat And Food Recipes, Pet Urine Removal: