15 Apr 2017 | Paul W. Swansen

Journalism 2017 Style.

Journalism and news reporting has changed dramatically in the past couple of years. The advent of “fake news” and the complete collapse of what is referred to as the mainstream media has changed the news landscape.

The failure of the news media to correctly call the 2016 Presidential election was likely the straw that broke the camel's back. What, according to the news media was a foregone conclusion win for Hillary Clinton was, in fact, nothing of the sort. The media has lied, knowingly and possibly unwittingly on any number of stories since the turn of the century.

Attending Journalism School in the mid-1980’s taught me that you were either assigned a story by your editor or you went to the editor with a story idea that was then approved. You covered the Journalism 101 basics, Who, What, Where, When, Why and How in crafting your story.

Now in 2017 anyone with a mobile device, phone or tablet is now their own citizen journalist. Add to their mobile device, use of blogging software such as WordPress, and video options such as YouTube or Periscope and they are in business. Audio interviews are available via tools such as Spreaker as well.

Growing up, we had to wait until 6 pm to find out the news of the day. Now, news happens 24/7 and changes and turns into something altogether different than it was at its beginning. Broadcast news outlets have to feed the never ending cycle of the 24/7 news beast. We as consumers have to sort out what is being shoveled our way.

As a journalist, if you have a news story in 2017 it behooves you to get it out there as soon as possible. There are plenty of other hungry citizen journalists out and about covering what could be your scoop. Unless you are writing a series piece, or an editorial/opinion article for publication, it makes no sense to sit on a properly researched and cited news story.

Last week, Mike Cernovich posted a Periscope video from some airport. (the video is provided for you) The main topic was the ramping up of the potential war in Syria by General McMaster. Later in the video, approximately at the 7:35 mark the following gem is brought forth.

“If they get rid of Bannon, you know what’s gonna happen? The motherlode. If Bannon is removed, there are gonna be divorces, because I know about the mistresses, the sugar babies, the drugs, the pill popping, the orgies. I know everything,” said Cernovich.
“If they go after Bannon, the mother of all stories is gonna drop, and we’re just gonna destroy marriages, relationships—it’s gonna get personal.”

Now I’m not a lawyer, and it sounds like Mke is making a threat of sorts, implied or not. Also, he alludes to, depending on the jurisdiction, some possible illegalities.

Now, if you have the information, why sit on it? Why tease, now some 72 hours ago, for a story that you haven’t released nor are you going to apparently on what occurs in the White House?

To Mike’s credit, he’s been spot on with two major stories since the beginning of the year. He’s also become the media darling for pointing out just how corrupt and empty the mainstream media has become.

As a journalist and simply as a human being having principles and ethics means something. There is likely more to his story regarding Bannon, and should it be as big as Mike purports it to be, then let's get it out there.


Swansen Report