5 Feb 2017 | Paul W Swansen

A general strike is being called for on Feb 17, 2017.  Why?  Several news outlets are reporting on the strike and yet have no details.  

Cosmopolitian - Activists Call for a Nationwide Strike in Protest of President Trump.  

I completely get that for the past 16 days there are many who are for reasons unbeknownst to me and likely themselves, why they are so much angst and hate.

News Mic - General Strike Feb. 17: Latest updates on the planned #nationalstrike against Trump.

NewsMic has a few more details and things about which to protest.  Interesting to note that the things that they list to protest are campaign promises by President Trump. Are these people so devoid of critical thinking that they don't remember the campaign?  Are they so deficient in their reading of news not to realize that President Trump is carrying through on those very campaign promises?

The general consesus appears to be a general stirke just to let everyone know just how upset, grieved, and bummed out, they are at the results of the November 8, 2016 election.

The past 16 days have been a constant birage of protests, riots, and assorted tempertantrums by those who harbor a dizzying and untempered hate for President Trump.  I'm curious as to how this will look on 2/5/2018 and 2/5/19.

Swansen Report