30 Nov 2016 | Paul W. Swansen

California regulates cow farts.  This story comes as a surprise given all of the media hue and cries of recent weeks following the Presidential election.

California is apparently not concerned about President Elect Trump and his selections for his administration.  Rather they are first and foremost concerned about cow farts.

"If we can reduce emissions of methane, we can really help to slow global warming," said Ryan McCarthy, a science adviser for the California Air Resources Board, which is drawing up rules to implement the new law.

McCarthy doesn't go into any detail on the rules for implementing animal behavior.  Isn't methane a natural byproduct of having cows and other livestock?  Will this action result in Genetically Modified cows?  

It is good to know that we can count on California to provide a certain amount of levity to our daily lives.

Swansen Report