21 Nov 2016 | Paul W. Swansen

The Electoral College is on many people's minds these days.   Established by article 2 of the constitution it has stood the test of time through this most recent 2016 Presidential election.

There is a minority outcry that Hillary won the popular vote and therefore, in some twisted mindset, the statist's believe that the will of the people is being thwarted.  Let's, however,  take a brief look at something.

The history of Presidential elections including the most recent one is to garner the requisite 270 electoral votes and thereby secure the Presidency.   Now if you are paying attention, the election is to get 270 electoral votes from the states across our nation.

Paying attention?  The vote is for your candidate who will get the most electoral votes.  Note it is not for the most votes overall.  Presidential elections are not and never have been a winner take all based on the popular vote.  So let's get over the current election and move on.  

Should you want to make changes to the current election process, begin the process of having a national conversation with the rest of your like-minded voters.  What isn't an acceptable is the whining and weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth about the unfairness of the Presidential Election process. 

Swansen Report