Here is a International cooking conversion chart that you can find information for liquid and dry measurement conversions. As well as weight measurement in both US and Metric measurement. So take and check us out to view all your US and metric needs from one spot.Get all your US and Metric needs for liquids in oz and ml. As well as for oven temperature and your dry measurements.

International Cooking Conversion Charts

Liquid/Spoon Measurements
American Imperial Metric

2 tablespoons (1 oz.) 1 fl.oz. 28 ml.
1/4 cup (2 oz.) 2 fl.oz. 56 ml.
1/3 cup (2 1/2 oz.) 2 1/2 fl.oz. 75 ml.
1/2 cup (4 oz.) 4 fl.oz. 110 ml.
2/3 cup (5 oz.) 5 fl.oz. 150 ml.
3/4 cup (6 oz.) 6 fl.oz. 170 ml.
1 cup (8 oz.) 8 fl.oz. 225 ml.


US / UK Metric
1 oz. 30 grams (g)
2 oz. 60 g
4 oz.(1/4 lb.) 120 g.
5 oz.(1/3 lb.) 155 g.
6 oz. 185 g.
7 oz. 220 g
8 oz. (1/2 lb.) 250 g
10 oz. 315 g
12 oz. (3/4 lb.) 375 g
14 oz. 440 g
16 oz. (1 lb.) 500 g
2 lbs. 1 kilogram (kg)

Oven Temperatures

Fahrenheit Centigrade
250° 120°
300° 150°
325° 150°
350° 160°
375° 190°
400° 200°
450° 230°
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